
Sat, April 19

9:00am - 5:00pm
with Buddhist Teacher, 
Roozbeh Ghobadpour

**This retreat is open to those who have received the empowerments of Highest Yoga Tantra or have a strong wish to do so at the next available opportunity.

Cost: $40  

Learn more about Memberships
No one turned away for lack of funds


Vajrayogini Kadampa Buddhist Center
231 E Memory Ln, Santa Ana, CA 92705
Parking located on City Place Dr by Mother's Market

  • 1st Session: 9-10:15 am 
  • Break: 10:15 – 11 am                   
  • 2nd Session: 11 am -12:15 pm             
  • Lunch: 12:15 – 1:45 pm               
  • 3rd Session: 1:45-3pm                            
  • Break: 3-3:45 pm                           
  • 4th Session: 3:45-5 pm       

About this event
This one-day retreat is based on the teachings on Inner Fire or Tummo in the Tantric meditation manual ‘New Guide to Dakini Land”. In this book, Geshe Kelsang Gyatso reveals the profound practices of the ancient Yogis and makes their blissful experience accessible to the modern world.

Within all of us lies a source of infinite bliss, clarity of wisdom and compassion for others. To discover this inner wealth for ourselves, we need authentic teachings, guidance and meditation.

Step by step you will learn how we can generate a deeply peaceful and concentrated mind by harnessing the subtle energy system within our body. With this blissful awareness we can uncover our true nature, destroy ignorance and suffering at its root and swiftly become a source of inspiration and benefit for others.

This retreat is a truly unique and rare opportunity to listen, contemplate and meditate on the stages of inner fire so that we can gain familiarity and confidence with each stage. We will come to deeply appreciate the power of this practice to lead us to our ultimate goal.

Each session will include preparatory prayers, teachings and guided meditations and there will be opportunities to discuss and ask questions.

Resident Teacher

Kelsang Lekso
Resident Teacher

Kelsang Lekso has been practicing Kadampa Buddhism for many years and teaches the Foundation Program. Her kindness and good humor is admired as she enjoys sharing her love of Dharma with everyone she meets. She has incredible faith and understanding of Kadam Dharma.

Visit Us

Vajrayogini Kadampa Buddhist Center
231 E Memory Ln, Santa Ana, CA 92705
Parking is located on City Place Dr by Mother’s Market, just around the corner.

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