Navigating difficult, and especially long term emotional reactions and negative tendencies is one of the greatest challenges we have as humans. Sometimes we can even feel powerless to change a persistent negative emotional pattern as despite our best intentions and all of our intellectual knowledge and techniques, they get the best of us every time. The […]
~Suitable for everyone, these classes offer practical methods to improve the quality of our lives through meditation and Buddhist teachings. Each meditation class will address a particular topic and give practical solutions to solve our daily problems. These popular classes are for anyone, both beginners and regular visitors - everybody welcome! Each class is self-contained. […]
~Suitable for everyone, these classes offer practical methods to improve the quality of our lives through meditation and Buddhist teachings. Each meditation class will address a particular topic and give practical solutions to solve our daily problems. These popular classes are for anyone, both beginners and regular visitors - everybody welcome! Each class is self-contained. […]
This monthly practice consists principally of extensive prayers to our Dharma Protector, Dorje Shugden. A Dharma Protector is an emanation of a Buddha or Bodhisattva whose main functions are to avert the inner and outer obstacles that prevent practitioners from attaining spiritual realizations and to arrange all the necessary conditions for their practice. Dorje Shugden […]
Suitable for everyone, these classes offer practical methods to improve the quality of our lives through meditation and Buddhist teachings. Each meditation class will address a particular topic and give practical solutions to solve our daily problems. These popular classes are for anyone, both beginners and regular visitors - everybody welcome! Each class is self-contained. […]
Transforma tu mente de un estado confuso e infeliz a uno de contentamiento y claridad. Este curso se basa en ocho versos de cuatro líneas compuestos por el gran Bodhisattva Tibetano Gueshe Langri Tangpa en el siglo XI. Este excepcional texto revela la esencia del camino budista. Línea por línea, paso a paso, aprenderemos el […]
This course is designed for those who find themselves stuck in repetitive and unhelpful thought patterns. It draws upon the wisdom of Buddhist teachings to provide practical tools for managing thoughts and achieving general well-being.