About this event
“All phenomenon are the nature of the mind,
and the mind is the nature of emptiness.” -Buddha
Buddha’s wisdom teachings allow us to quickly transform our difficult emotions into an energetic, spacious, and peaceful state of mind that can continually nourish ourselves and others.
In this retreat, we will steep ourselves in the Prajnaparamita (perfection of wisdom) teachings expounded by Buddha in the Heart Sutra, and preserved through an unbroken, living lineage to our modern day. Through practicing these precious instructions, we can become alchemists, transforming our lead-like emotional difficulties into the gold of Buddha’s blissful mind. The Prajnaparamita teachings in particular are very skillful methods to overcome our most deeply entrenched negative minds and habits.
Join us for this rare opportunity to escape the hustle and bustle, and cultivate a bright, peaceful wisdom mind.
This 3-day retreat package includes:
- All meals (vegetarian)
- Lodging at Ojas Retreat Center in Murrieta
- Guided Meditation Sessions
Cost: $575 shared, $775 Single Person, Private Room
Ojas Retreat Center
21100 Via los Laureles
Murietta, CA 92562
Kelsang Lekso
Resident Teacher
Kelsang Lekso has been practicing Kadampa Buddhism for many years and teaches the Foundation Program. Her kindness and good humor is admired as she enjoys sharing her love of Dharma with everyone she meets. She has incredible faith and understanding of Kadam Dharma.
Vajrayogini Kadampa Buddhist Center
231 E Memory Ln, Santa Ana, CA 92705
Parking is located on City Place Dr by Mother’s Market, just around the corner.